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ZmanTheVegan is a real life super hero with animal rights themed music! He offers musical telegrams, house shows, and live music at your event! Zman wasn't always a musical vegan superhero and below you will find out how he became who he is today and why...

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ZmanTheVegan performing at a PAF event in St Louis MO

ZmanTheVegan's Super Hero Origin Story

   Zmanthevegan's journey started out at the age of 22 as Zach on a farm in Hillsboro MO. Zach found a love for performing original music and he moved to Columbia MO around 2015 to make music his career. For years Zach went through countless journeys to save the world with music. From hitchhiking to New York from Missouri and back in December of 2016 to going homeless and busking 8-10 hours a day for 6 months. Zach was not lost but he was wondering for years looking for a opportunity until one day everything changed.


   Zach had just quit his job at McDonalds and he was working 16 hours a day on music, marketing, research, and learning anything to better himself. There was a Ted Talk called "Ester the wonder pig" and after watching this Zach learned what a vegan was,  he went down a rabbit hole of research, and he went vegan overnight. Fast forward a couple years later and Zach is working on a grill station at a college dinning hall. Zach is serving cow flesh to the students as his full time job. At work Zach would day dream ideas , write songs, and generally brainstorm how he can better his craft to do it for a living and do it for the animals! Zach had only grown more passionate about veganism since becoming one and wanted to infuse it with his passion for music. Then one day a idea came to him, he wrote it down real fast before a customer came up to order, and the next week on his break he went outside of the dinning hall but not as Zach this time, as Zmanthevegan!



ZmanTheVegan is now on a quest to do vegan outreach City to City across The USA. Zman will be busking original vegan music and he will be having conversations about veganism with the pedestrians! Leave ZmanTheVegan a message of what city you would like to see him do vegan outreach in! 









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